
1991VG 1994AW1 1I('Oumuamua) 1P(Halley) 2001CB21 2001FO32 2001SN263 2001WR1 2002GZ32 2003SD220 2004EW95 2006OV89 2011AG5 2013FY27 2015BP519 2017OF69 2017YE5 2018AG37 2018LA 2018VG18 2019AQ3 2019MO 2019OK 2023CX1 29P(SchwassmannWachmann1) 2I(Borisov) 41P(TuttleGiacobiniKresák) 46P(Wirtanen) 67P(ČurjumovGerasimenko) 96P(Machholz) Actaea Agamemnon AGU2017 Akatsuki Albireo Aldebaran Algol Amphitrite Annefrank Antares Apophis Arawn Arecibo Ariel Arrokoth asteroidy Atlas aurora Bamberga Bennu Beresheet Betelgeuse Bienor blesky C2010U3(Boattini) C2013US10(Catalina) C2014W10(PanSTARRS) C2017K2(PanSTARRS) C2018V1(MachholzFujikawaIwamoto) C2018Y1(Iwamoto) CAESAR Cassini Ceres CME Dactyl Daphnis DART Dawn Deimos DES DESTINY+ Didymos Dione Donaldjohanson Dragonfly družice Dysnomia Echeclus ElstPizzaro ELT ELVES Enceladus Epimetheus EPSC2017 EPSCDPS2019 Eris Eros erupce Europa Eurybates exoplanety Florence Gaia galaxie Galileo Ganymed Gaspra Gault Gonggong Haumea Hayabusa2 Hebe Hektor Hera Hi'iaka Hippocamp Hubble Huya hvězdokupy hvězdy Hydra Hygiea Hyperion Chandrayaan2 Chang'e4 Chariklo Charon Cheops Chiron Iapetus IAU Ida Ilmarë InSight Io Iridium Iris ISRO ISS Itokawa Julia Juno Jupiter Kaʻepaokaʻāwela Kamoʻoalewa KBOs kentauři Kepler Kerberos komety Leleākūhonua Leucus lidé LMC LPSC2018 LPSC2019 LPSC2021 LRO LSST Lucy Lutetia M1 M22 M42 Makemake ManwëThorondor Mars Mathilde MBAs Merkur Měsíc MESSENGER meteority meteory Mimas Mira mlhoviny MoshupSquannit Namaka NEOs NEOWISE Neptun NewHorizons Nix Oberon obloha okultace Opportunity Orcus Orus OSIRISREx OSSOS Pallas Pan PanSTARRS PatroclusMenoetius PDC2019 Phaethon Phobos Phoebe Planeta9 Plejády plutina Pluto Polymele prach Prometheus prstence Psyche Quaoar rakety Regulus Rhea Rosetta rovnodennost Ryugu Salacia Saturn SDO SDOs Sedna sednoidy Sirius Skamandrios skřítkové skvrny Slunce slunovrat SOFIA SOHO sopky Soustava SSOLS STEVE Styx Subaru Swift Šteins Tethys Titan Titania TNOs Toutatis Triton trojané TyphonEchidna Umbriel úplněk Uran Vanth Varda Varuna Venuše Vesta VLT Vulkán Země Zubenelgenubi

středa 3. ledna 2018

Rozloučení s 'Oumuamua

Hubbleův kosmický dalekohled se 2.1.2018 naposledy podíval na první identifikovaný mezihvězdný objekt 1I/'Oumuamua. Asteroid, který během svého krátkého pobytu ve Sluneční soustavě inicioval vznik alespoň 33 vědeckých prací a bezpočtu populárních článků (viz. odkazy níže), se s námi při magnitudě +27,5 definitivně loučí. Obrázek zpracoval Daniel Bamberger.

Ostatní dostupné snímky mezihvězdného nomáda z pozemních dalekohledů a z jednoho předchozího snímání Hubblem shrnuje následující obrázek.


ʻOumuamua - Wikipedia


Astronomers Spot First-Known Interstellar "Comet" | Sky & Telescope
Vetřelec! Ve Sluneční soustavě se možná pohybuje cizí kometa | Exoplanety.cz
Small Asteroid or Comet 'Visits' from Beyond the Solar System | JPL NASA
Visitor from Far, Far Away: Interstellar Object Spotted in Our Solar System | Space.com
A/2017 U1 PANSTARRS: el primer asteroide interestelar | Cometografía
Comet A/2017 U1 may be the first alien space rock ever detected | Business Insider
BREAKING! Have astronomers discovered our first interstellar visitor? NOTE: Not aliens | Syfy
An interstellar asteroid | The Planetary Mechanics
A/2017 U1 | Systemic
Canadian astronomer spots 'visitor' from beyond our solar system | CBC News
Astronomers race to learn from first interstellar asteroid ever seen | Nature


Medzihviezdny nomád A/2017 U1 | Stonefoto
Interstellar Asteroids | Systemic
The first known interstellar interloper | Astronomy.com
Planetary Society asteroid hunter snags picture of interstellar visitor ʻOumuamua | The Planetary Society
První návštěvník přilétající do Sluneční soustavy z mezihvězdného prostoru | Astro.cz
Update on `Oumuamua, Our First Interstellar Object | Sky & Telescope
Project Lyra: Sending a Spacecraft to 1I/’Oumuamua (formerly A/2017 U1), the Interstellar Asteroid | Centauri Dreams
Co víme o ‘Oumuamua – mezihvězdné návštěvě? | Astro.cz
Unie řešila, jak označovat mezihvězdné návštěvníky | Exoplanety.cz
An Origin for a Far Traveling Asteroid | Centauri Dreams
Mezihvězdná návštěva | Divy Sluneční Soustavy


ESO Observations Show First Interstellar Asteroid is Like Nothing Seen Before | ESO
Solar System’s First Interstellar Visitor Dazzles Scientists | NASA
Interstellar Asteroid FAQs | NASA
Solar System's First Interstellar Visitor Dazzles Scientists | JPL NASA
It's the 1st known interstellar asteroid | EarthSky
Meet 'Oumuamua, the Interstellar Cigar | Sky & Telescope
That Interstellar Asteroid is Probably Pretty Strange Looking | Universe Today
ESO: `Oumuamua se nepodobá žádnému známému tělesu ze Sluneční soustavy | NášVesmír
The First Known Interstellar Asteroid Looks Incredibly Weird
The first asteroid we've seen from outside our Solar System is totally bizarre | The Verge
Je rudé a kovové. Kolem Země se prohnalo těleso, které nepochází z naší sluneční soustavy | Česká televize
Vědci potvrdili odhalení prvního tělesa z jiné sluneční soustavy | Lidovky.cz
Oumuamua. Vědci potvrdili odhalení prvního tělesa z jiné sluneční soustavy | iROZHLAS
'Oumuamua - První posel z dálav | Divy Sluneční Soustavy
Here’s how scientists know the ‘Oumuamua’ asteroid isn’t from our solar system | DigitalTrends
Giant Space Cigar: New Observations Show Weird Interstellar Asteroid is 'like Nothing Seen Before' | Futurism
Unusual Visitor: A Deeper Look at ‘Oumuamua | Centauri Dreams
`Oumuamua: Listening To An Interstellar Interloper| Centauri Dreams
Visitors | Systemic
An interstellar interloper is dashing through our solar system | Astronomy Now
Fly-By of Interstellar Asteroid Portends Quadrillion Trillion More in Galaxy | Scientific American
Chasing ‘Oumuamua—unfortunately human technology isn’t up to the task | Ars Technica
APOD 171122: 'Oumuamua: Interstellar Asteroid
Is 1I/’Oumuamua an Alien Spacecraft? | AstroWright
Did Earth just get buzzed by an alien starship? | An Ancient Solar System
Project Lyra, a Mission to Chase Down that Interstellar Asteroid | Universe Today
Shards, Axis Ratios and Interstellar Objects | Centauri Dreams
Discovering the First Interstellar Asteroid | ESO
Until Time Without End | Systemic
A cigar from another star | PlanetPlanet
První objevená mezihvězdná planetka se nepodobá žádnému známému tělesu | Astro.cz
A Visitor From the Stars: ‘Oumuamua | The Planetary Society
How to recognise an alien spaceship | Cosmos
1I/’Oumuamua updates! | AstroWright


Breakthrough Listen is Going to Scan 'Oumuamua, You Know, Just to be Sure it's Just an Asteroid and Not a Spaceship | Universe Today
"Oumuamua" --1st of 4 Observations Via Greenbank Radio Telescope: 'No Detection Yet of Alien Technology' | The Daily Galaxy
The Search For Aliens On A Visiting Asteroid | One Universe at a Time
Alien object 'Oumuama was a natural body visiting from another solar system | EurekAlert
Interstellar object ‘Oumuamua covered in 'thick crust of carbon-rich gunk' | The Guardian
Interstellar Object 'Oumuamua Could Be a Comet in Disguise | Space.com
`Oumuamua Update: Red, Tumbling, and Silent | Sky & Telescope


1I/ʻOumuamua - OrbitSimulator
Discovery and Characterization of the First Known Interstellar Object
Kinematics of the Interstellar Vagabond A/2017 U1
Pole, Pericenter, and Nodes of the Interstellar Minor Body A/2017 U1
Palomar Optical Spectrum of Hyperbolic Near-Earth Object A/2017 U1
The rotation period and shape of the hyperbolic asteroid A/2017 U1 from its lightcurve
Origin of Interstellar Object A/2017 U1 in a Nearby Young Stellar Association?
On the Consequences of the Detection of an Interstellar Asteroid
Project Lyra: Sending a Spacecraft to 1I/'Oumuamua (former A/2017 U1), the Interstellar Asteroid
Implications for planetary system formation from interstellar object 1I/2017 U1 (`Oumuamua)
The origin of interstellar asteroidal objects like 1I/2017 U1
Could 1I/’Oumuamua be macroscopic dark matter?
1I/2017 U1 (`Oumuamua) is Hot: Imaging, Spectroscopy and Search of Meteor Activity
Interstellar Interloper 1I/2017 U1: Observations from the NOT and WIYN Telescopes
A brief visit from a red and extremely elongated interstellar asteroid
On the dynamical history of the recently discovered interstellar object A/2017 U1 – where does it come from?
1I/2017 U1 (Oumuamua) Might Be A Cometary Nucleus
`Oumuamua as a messenger from the Local Association
Implications of the interstellar object 1I/’Oumuamua for planetary dynamics and planetesimal formation
A general method for assessing the origin of interstellar small bodies: the case of 1I/2017 U1 (Oumuamua)
On the rotation period and shape of the hyperbolic asteroid 1I/`Oumuamua (2017) U1 from its lightcurve
1I/‘Oumuamua is tumbling
Tumbling motion of 1I/’Oumuamua reveals body’s violent past
1I/`Oumuamua as a Tidal Disruption Fragment From a Binary Star System
Col-OSSOS: Colors of the Interstellar Planetesimal 1I/2017 U1 in Context with the Solar System
APO Time Resolved Color Photometry of Highly-Elongated Interstellar Object 1I/'Oumuamua
Explaining the elongated shape of 'Oumuamua by the Eikonal abrasion model
Ejection of rocky and icy material from binary star systems: Implications for the origin and composition of 1I/‘Oumuamua
On Distinguishing Interstellar Objects Like `Oumuamua From Products of Solar System Scattering
Spectroscopy and thermal modelling of the first interstellar object 1I/2017 U1 ‘Oumuamua
Spectroscopy and thermal modelling of the first interstellar object 1I/2017 U1 ‘Oumuamua
Col-OSSOS: Colors of the Interstellar Planetesimal 1I/'Oumuamua
What and Whence 1I/‘Oumuamua?
Prospects for Backtracing 1I/`Oumuamua and Future Interstellar Objects


Interstellar Comet Found? Initial Observations Suggest Extreme Orbit - YouTube
First Object From Another Star System Found Near Earth - YouTube
SpacePod: An Interstellar Asteroid? HUH??? - YouTube
Astronomy Cast Ep. 464: Why the Hype over an Exorock? - YouTube
Animation of artist's concept of `Oumuamua - YouTube
Animation of `Oumuamua passing through the Solar System - YouTube
Animation of `Oumuamua passing through the Solar System (annotated) - YouTube
ESOcast 138 Light: VLT Discovers First Interstellar Asteroid is like Nothing Seen Before - YouTube
First Interstellar Asteroid Wows Scientists - YouTube
New Details about Interstellar Visitor on This Week @NASA - YouTube
'Oumuamua - The Interstellar Interloper - Update - YouTube
It Came From Out There. Oumuamua, The First Interstellar Asteroid! - YouTube
The Origin of Our First Interstellar Visitor | Space Time - YouTube