Hubbleův kosmický dalekohled se 2.1.2018 naposledy podíval na první identifikovaný mezihvězdný objekt 1I/'Oumuamua. Asteroid, který během svého krátkého pobytu ve Sluneční soustavě inicioval vznik alespoň 33 vědeckých prací a bezpočtu populárních článků (viz. odkazy níže), se s námi při magnitudě +27,5 definitivně loučí. Obrázek zpracoval Daniel Bamberger.
Ostatní dostupné snímky mezihvězdného nomáda z pozemních dalekohledů a z jednoho předchozího snímání Hubblem shrnuje následující obrázek.
- ʻOumuamua - Wikipedia
- Astronomers Spot First-Known Interstellar "Comet" | Sky & Telescope
- Vetřelec! Ve Sluneční soustavě se možná pohybuje cizí kometa |
- Small Asteroid or Comet 'Visits' from Beyond the Solar System | JPL NASA
- Visitor from Far, Far Away: Interstellar Object Spotted in Our Solar System |
- A/2017 U1 PANSTARRS: el primer asteroide interestelar | Cometografía
- Comet A/2017 U1 may be the first alien space rock ever detected | Business Insider
- BREAKING! Have astronomers discovered our first interstellar visitor? NOTE: Not aliens | Syfy
- An interstellar asteroid | The Planetary Mechanics
- A/2017 U1 | Systemic
- Canadian astronomer spots 'visitor' from beyond our solar system | CBC News
- Astronomers race to learn from first interstellar asteroid ever seen | Nature
- Medzihviezdny nomád A/2017 U1 | Stonefoto
- Interstellar Asteroids | Systemic
- The first known interstellar interloper |
- Planetary Society asteroid hunter snags picture of interstellar visitor ʻOumuamua | The Planetary Society
- První návštěvník přilétající do Sluneční soustavy z mezihvězdného prostoru |
- Update on `Oumuamua, Our First Interstellar Object | Sky & Telescope
- Project Lyra: Sending a Spacecraft to 1I/’Oumuamua (formerly A/2017 U1), the Interstellar Asteroid | Centauri Dreams
- Co víme o ‘Oumuamua – mezihvězdné návštěvě? |
- Unie řešila, jak označovat mezihvězdné návštěvníky |
- An Origin for a Far Traveling Asteroid | Centauri Dreams
- Mezihvězdná návštěva | Divy Sluneční Soustavy
- ESO Observations Show First Interstellar Asteroid is Like Nothing Seen Before | ESO
- Solar System’s First Interstellar Visitor Dazzles Scientists | NASA
- Interstellar Asteroid FAQs | NASA
- Solar System's First Interstellar Visitor Dazzles Scientists | JPL NASA
- It's the 1st known interstellar asteroid | EarthSky
- Meet 'Oumuamua, the Interstellar Cigar | Sky & Telescope
- That Interstellar Asteroid is Probably Pretty Strange Looking | Universe Today
- ESO: `Oumuamua se nepodobá žádnému známému tělesu ze Sluneční soustavy | NášVesmír
- The First Known Interstellar Asteroid Looks Incredibly Weird
- The first asteroid we've seen from outside our Solar System is totally bizarre | The Verge
- Je rudé a kovové. Kolem Země se prohnalo těleso, které nepochází z naší sluneční soustavy | Česká televize
- Vědci potvrdili odhalení prvního tělesa z jiné sluneční soustavy |
- Oumuamua. Vědci potvrdili odhalení prvního tělesa z jiné sluneční soustavy | iROZHLAS
- 'Oumuamua - První posel z dálav | Divy Sluneční Soustavy
- Here’s how scientists know the ‘Oumuamua’ asteroid isn’t from our solar system | DigitalTrends
- Giant Space Cigar: New Observations Show Weird Interstellar Asteroid is 'like Nothing Seen Before' | Futurism
- Unusual Visitor: A Deeper Look at ‘Oumuamua | Centauri Dreams
- `Oumuamua: Listening To An Interstellar Interloper| Centauri Dreams
- Visitors | Systemic
- An interstellar interloper is dashing through our solar system | Astronomy Now
- Fly-By of Interstellar Asteroid Portends Quadrillion Trillion More in Galaxy | Scientific American
- Chasing ‘Oumuamua—unfortunately human technology isn’t up to the task | Ars Technica
- APOD 171122: 'Oumuamua: Interstellar Asteroid
- Is 1I/’Oumuamua an Alien Spacecraft? | AstroWright
- Did Earth just get buzzed by an alien starship? | An Ancient Solar System
- Project Lyra, a Mission to Chase Down that Interstellar Asteroid | Universe Today
- Shards, Axis Ratios and Interstellar Objects | Centauri Dreams
- Discovering the First Interstellar Asteroid | ESO
- Until Time Without End | Systemic
- A cigar from another star | PlanetPlanet
- První objevená mezihvězdná planetka se nepodobá žádnému známému tělesu |
- A Visitor From the Stars: ‘Oumuamua | The Planetary Society
- How to recognise an alien spaceship | Cosmos
- 1I/’Oumuamua updates! | AstroWright
- Breakthrough Listen is Going to Scan 'Oumuamua, You Know, Just to be Sure it's Just an Asteroid and Not a Spaceship | Universe Today
- "Oumuamua" --1st of 4 Observations Via Greenbank Radio Telescope: 'No Detection Yet of Alien Technology' | The Daily Galaxy
- The Search For Aliens On A Visiting Asteroid | One Universe at a Time
- Alien object 'Oumuama was a natural body visiting from another solar system | EurekAlert
- Interstellar object ‘Oumuamua covered in 'thick crust of carbon-rich gunk' | The Guardian
- Interstellar Object 'Oumuamua Could Be a Comet in Disguise |
- `Oumuamua Update: Red, Tumbling, and Silent | Sky & Telescope
- 1I/ʻOumuamua - OrbitSimulator
- Discovery and Characterization of the First Known Interstellar Object
- Kinematics of the Interstellar Vagabond A/2017 U1
- Pole, Pericenter, and Nodes of the Interstellar Minor Body A/2017 U1
- Palomar Optical Spectrum of Hyperbolic Near-Earth Object A/2017 U1
- The rotation period and shape of the hyperbolic asteroid A/2017 U1 from its lightcurve
- Origin of Interstellar Object A/2017 U1 in a Nearby Young Stellar Association?
- On the Consequences of the Detection of an Interstellar Asteroid
- Project Lyra: Sending a Spacecraft to 1I/'Oumuamua (former A/2017 U1), the Interstellar Asteroid
- Implications for planetary system formation from interstellar object 1I/2017 U1 (`Oumuamua)
- The origin of interstellar asteroidal objects like 1I/2017 U1
- Could 1I/’Oumuamua be macroscopic dark matter?
- 1I/2017 U1 (`Oumuamua) is Hot: Imaging, Spectroscopy and Search of Meteor Activity
- Interstellar Interloper 1I/2017 U1: Observations from the NOT and WIYN Telescopes
- A brief visit from a red and extremely elongated interstellar asteroid
- On the dynamical history of the recently discovered interstellar object A/2017 U1 – where does it come from?
- 1I/2017 U1 (Oumuamua) Might Be A Cometary Nucleus
- `Oumuamua as a messenger from the Local Association
- Implications of the interstellar object 1I/’Oumuamua for planetary dynamics and planetesimal formation
- A general method for assessing the origin of interstellar small bodies: the case of 1I/2017 U1 (Oumuamua)
- On the rotation period and shape of the hyperbolic asteroid 1I/`Oumuamua (2017) U1 from its lightcurve
- 1I/‘Oumuamua is tumbling
- Tumbling motion of 1I/’Oumuamua reveals body’s violent past
- 1I/`Oumuamua as a Tidal Disruption Fragment From a Binary Star System
- Col-OSSOS: Colors of the Interstellar Planetesimal 1I/2017 U1 in Context with the Solar System
- APO Time Resolved Color Photometry of Highly-Elongated Interstellar Object 1I/'Oumuamua
- Explaining the elongated shape of 'Oumuamua by the Eikonal abrasion model
- Ejection of rocky and icy material from binary star systems: Implications for the origin and composition of 1I/‘Oumuamua
- On Distinguishing Interstellar Objects Like `Oumuamua From Products of Solar System Scattering
- Spectroscopy and thermal modelling of the first interstellar object 1I/2017 U1 ‘Oumuamua
- Spectroscopy and thermal modelling of the first interstellar object 1I/2017 U1 ‘Oumuamua
- Col-OSSOS: Colors of the Interstellar Planetesimal 1I/'Oumuamua
- What and Whence 1I/‘Oumuamua?
- Prospects for Backtracing 1I/`Oumuamua and Future Interstellar Objects
- Interstellar Comet Found? Initial Observations Suggest Extreme Orbit - YouTube
- First Object From Another Star System Found Near Earth - YouTube
- SpacePod: An Interstellar Asteroid? HUH??? - YouTube
- Astronomy Cast Ep. 464: Why the Hype over an Exorock? - YouTube
- Animation of artist's concept of `Oumuamua - YouTube
- Animation of `Oumuamua passing through the Solar System - YouTube
- Animation of `Oumuamua passing through the Solar System (annotated) - YouTube
- ESOcast 138 Light: VLT Discovers First Interstellar Asteroid is like Nothing Seen Before - YouTube
- First Interstellar Asteroid Wows Scientists - YouTube
- New Details about Interstellar Visitor on This Week @NASA - YouTube
- 'Oumuamua - The Interstellar Interloper - Update - YouTube
- It Came From Out There. Oumuamua, The First Interstellar Asteroid! - YouTube
- The Origin of Our First Interstellar Visitor | Space Time - YouTube